It is October again which means baseball playoffs. The time of year when everyone routes against the Yankees. But this year my home team, the Giants, are in the run for it trying to repeat their 2010 year when they won the World Series. All though the Giants have made it to the NlCS and the Yankees losing bad to Detroit, I am very frustrated with the broadcasting and announcing. Here are some things I hope not to see in a few years.

1. I have Comcast and one problem I have had every night is finding the game. When you go to the TV guide the game is often not shown as MLB Playoff Game which it should be. It is always switching networks and it usually it says that a show like the Mentalist is on. This loses many possible viewers right away.

2. Another thing I hate is the change in announcers. Fox has all TV playoff rights so they have there own announcers. I wish there was a button you could click that you could chose to hear the Giants usual announcers or for the other fans they could choose their usual announcers.

3. The change in the announcers would not annoy me very much except for the fact that they are all from the East Coast. For many years major networks like ESPN and Fox have been very biased to the East Coast. As much as I like hearing Joe Buck saying how good the opposing team is then watch the Giants beat them, it still gets on my nerves when they don’t respect any West Coast teams.

hopes for postseason baseball

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