How to Make a Scary Movie Less Scary

How to Make a Scary Movie Less Scary

It is getting close to Halloween which means horror movies. If you would like to know how to be less scared here are some helpful ways to do this, just follow these steps.
1. Take away your senses: This can mean a few things. Most people just cover their eyes to prevent themselves from seeing the movie but plugging your ears is also very helpful. Most horror movies use eerie music and other sounds to create suspense.
2. Give in: If it is really to much you can just give in to the fear. This could be balling up into the fetal position and maybe crying silently. And if its still to much you can just leave the movie.
3. Run with the pack: Watching the movie with a bunch of friends and family also really helps. Being with other people makes you feel more protected.
4. Laugh: There will always be one person who is watching the movie with you that will be laughing or cracking jokes. What this really means is that they would pee their pants if they actually shut up and paid any attention to the movie. However this is a great way to make the movie a little less scary and look like your not scared.

I hope this is enough to get you through Halloween. Good luck.

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