Three Things You Should Know About Movie Theatres

Most people have been to the movie theatres before but here are a few things that I would want to know if I had never been to one before. I try to avoid seeing movies in the movie theatres mainly because of price. I would much rather watch a movie in the confines of mine or someone elses house than pay ten dollars and watch a movie with a bunch of strangers. However, when I can’t wait for a movie to come out on On Demand or DVD, I brave the movie theatre. I recently saw the new Bond movie Skyfall, and here are three things that I will tell you folks who have never been to a movie.

1. Buy your tickets in advance: When a new big name movie comes out like Skyfall or Batman you must buy your tickets in advance. It is inevitable that throughout the first weekend these big name movies will be sold out. A great place to buy tickets in advance is Here is a link

2. Go with friends: When I go to the movies I always go with friends. The last thing you want is to sit next to that annoying person that is always trying to take your armrest. Though sometimes when the movie theatre is sold out it is hard to get seats together if you are in a big group. All you have to do is get to the theatre a little earlier.

3. The Theatre is expensive: And Bring lots of money. The Theatre is very expensive. Tickets are 10 dollars and food is more.

I hope I have helped you.

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