
The new James Bond movie SkyFall was great. To me and many more fans it was the best movie out of the series yet. From the effects to the story it was fantastic. This movie kept you at the edge of your seat the whole time and was always exciting. Although this could be the last of the James Bond movies they would be ending on a good note. I am very happy I saw this movie and I recommend it to anyone.

Pandora is in trouble

For all you people who love and use Pandora read this. The great free internet radio that we all take for granted has been unfairly charged by the music industry. Pandora has been well over charged for music rights to play artists music. Pandora is being charged 51% of their revenue to pay the music industry. Other radios like Serious XM the satellite radio only pays 8% of their revenue. This makes it almost impossible for Pandora to compete with other companies like it. Pandora is trying to change music royalties in congress to stop this. Of course many artists are opposing it, even big name artists like Rihanna and Katy Perry, and its not like they need the extra money. What these artists don’t realize is that Pandora makes it easy for listeners to buy music straight from the app giving musicians great referrals just by playing their music. However the unfair royalties for the music license could potentially lead to Pandora going out of business. I couldn’t think of any better way to help Pandora than by posting this. Please just tell your friends and make them aware. That is all we can do now.