Three Things I wish I had known before I started making Potstickers

A lot of the times when I would get home from school or anywhere I would usually be hungry for a snack, and that snack would be potstickers. I would come home pull out the pan put some oil on and get the pot stickers out and start cooking them. When I first started to cook them I would burn myself from the oil splattering everywhere and also I would burn them on one side. Things that wished I would have known is that

1. To watch them and turn them somewhat frequently until they are nice and crispy.

2. To use caution when pouring the water in because it will explode into a hot oily madness.

3. To follow the instructions instead of just estimating and trying to wing it.

Those three things will help you make your potstickers very delicious and enjoyable. I hope these three things that I have shared with whoever it may help, helps you.

Here is a link to a recipe for Ling-Ling Potstickers, the same type I use:

Epic Meal Time

Epic Meal Time

Epic Meal Time are the food innovators of Youtube. They also are probably gonna die young do to high cholesterol from eating such bad food. These guys make videos of them cooking, then eating food and getting completely wasted throughout the whole time. During the video one of the main guys that has the beard commentates the whole video and makes funny remarks. They first started out as two guys cooking food and at there house slowly and enjoying it. But as they progressed they added more people and they turned a buff guy with glasses into to Youtube icon. Whenever the cook food it includes a whole lot of bacon and lots of alcohol usually Jack Daniels. Now they have an online store where you can buy clothing and there Bacon Salt. There videos include lots of different types of food such as a ton of red meat, loads of gooey cheese, different types of birds, and of course endless amounts of bacon. These guys cooking techniques and abilities are surprisingly good for a whole bunch of drunk college guys. They use some high grade cooking utensils such as a sausage maker in one episode. Also in another one they put a quail inside a pheasant inside a turkey inside a pig and made three of them and cooked them in giant barbeques which I thought was pretty amazing. I think that these guys are pretty funny but i also think that its a waste of food.

Here is a link to one of there videos:

How to make delicous caramel apples

How to make delicous caramel apples

Some people may have problems making caramel apples. You may have the problem the of to much or to little caramel on the apple. This is how to make perfect caramel apples.

Step 1. You want to melt the caramel in a double boiler to a nice consistency so there are no chunks in it.
Step 2. Take your apples that have been washed, stems picked off, and skewered and dip them in the caramel and make sure its even all around.
Step 3. Cool them in the fridge until they are cool and ready to eat.

A thing that i have been wanting is a nice lounge chair in my room. After my brother left for college he took the couch in our room that was a futon that he slept on. He took it and it is know his bed. Right now i dont have that much in my room so i think it would be really nice to have a chair in my room.  It would fill up the empty space in my room and also make it look nice. I hope that thus will happen in the future because i’ve been waiting a while to get one.

Dream Thing

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie

When Halloween comes around, everyone knows that its pumpkin pie season. Pumpkin pie is a delicious, creamy desert that only comes around once a year. This yummy delight pleases many families around the world. I enjoy pumpkin pie a lot. It is especially yummy when you have it with whip cream and/or vanilla ice cream. I hope throughout the pumpkin season you can all eat some very tasty pumpkin pie

Mi Familia

Mi Familia

Mi Familia is a very delicious taqueria in San Anslemo. They have very tasty carnitas (pork). When I usually go there I get the super carnitas burrito. It has pork, beans (choice of black or pinto), rice, cheese, sour cream, salsa, and guacamole. They also make tasty tacos too. Whenever you order a meal there they offer you a tray for chips and they have a medium sized salsa bar with tasty salsas. Ever since I have been going there I don’t think I have never had a bad meal there. I would recommend eating here because of the delicious food and friendly staff.