Tupac Shakur

Tupac Shakur, also known as 2pac and temporarily Makaveli, is considered by many as one of the best rappers of all time. Shakur was born June 16th 1971 in East Harlem. His parents were Afeni Shakur and Billy Garland, both members of the Black Panther Party. Shortly before Shakur’s birth, his father was charged with 150 charges of conspiracy against the United States of America. In Shakur’s early years he was surrounded with high ranking Black Panther members, many of whom were charged with criminal offenses.

By June 1988 Shakur moved with his family to Marin City, California where he attended Tamalpias High school. Shakur took part in several drama productions here and was also exploring poetry at the time. Shakur states in early interviews that he then switched over to rap because it was more respected and listened to over poetry. This allowed him to follow his passion while also gaining a following. Shakur’s poetry teacher Leila Steinberg organized a concert for his early rap group “Stickly Dope” during his senior year. This concert resulted in Shakur being signed by Atron Gregory. From here he started as a roadie.

Shortly after in the 1990s Shakurs career took off with features in Digital Underground and his first album 2Pacalypse Now. From here he gained publicity in music as well as his acting career. In 1992 Shakur played a lead role in hit movie “Juice”. He was also in seven other movies in his career.

Shakur’s second album “Strictly For My N.I.G.G.A.Z.” had much more success and is considered to be his breakout album. For this reason it is slightly ironic that I am writing about this. The album didn’t only have success in the black community but also with white people all over the U.S. and world. The album even remains successful as it is still widely listened to and played on the radio.

Shakur went one to release other equally successful albums that are still enjoyed by many today. He was killed in Las Vegas in September 1996. He was survived by his record label Death Row and will always be known as one of the best rappers of all time.


The new James Bond movie SkyFall was great. To me and many more fans it was the best movie out of the series yet. From the effects to the story it was fantastic. This movie kept you at the edge of your seat the whole time and was always exciting. Although this could be the last of the James Bond movies they would be ending on a good note. I am very happy I saw this movie and I recommend it to anyone.

Pandora is in trouble

For all you people who love and use Pandora read this. The great free internet radio that we all take for granted has been unfairly charged by the music industry. Pandora has been well over charged for music rights to play artists music. Pandora is being charged 51% of their revenue to pay the music industry. Other radios like Serious XM the satellite radio only pays 8% of their revenue. This makes it almost impossible for Pandora to compete with other companies like it. Pandora is trying to change music royalties in congress to stop this. Of course many artists are opposing it, even big name artists like Rihanna and Katy Perry, and its not like they need the extra money. What these artists don’t realize is that Pandora makes it easy for listeners to buy music straight from the app giving musicians great referrals just by playing their music. However the unfair royalties for the music license could potentially lead to Pandora going out of business. I couldn’t think of any better way to help Pandora than by posting this. Please just tell your friends and make them aware. That is all we can do now.

Three Things You Should Know About Movie Theatres

Most people have been to the movie theatres before but here are a few things that I would want to know if I had never been to one before. I try to avoid seeing movies in the movie theatres mainly because of price. I would much rather watch a movie in the confines of mine or someone elses house than pay ten dollars and watch a movie with a bunch of strangers. However, when I can’t wait for a movie to come out on On Demand or DVD, I brave the movie theatre. I recently saw the new Bond movie Skyfall, and here are three things that I will tell you folks who have never been to a movie.

1. Buy your tickets in advance: When a new big name movie comes out like Skyfall or Batman you must buy your tickets in advance. It is inevitable that throughout the first weekend these big name movies will be sold out. A great place to buy tickets in advance is Fandango.com. Here is a link http://www.fandango.com/

2. Go with friends: When I go to the movies I always go with friends. The last thing you want is to sit next to that annoying person that is always trying to take your armrest. Though sometimes when the movie theatre is sold out it is hard to get seats together if you are in a big group. All you have to do is get to the theatre a little earlier.

3. The Theatre is expensive: And Bring lots of money. The Theatre is very expensive. Tickets are 10 dollars and food is more.

I hope I have helped you.

Three Things

Three things I wish I had known about Baseball are mostly how to be prepared for watching a proffesional game. These are three things I wish i had known before I became a fan and I hope it will help you.

  1. First of all you should bring warm clothes because most of the time it’s pretty cold there, also you want to wear your teams apparel for example,  if your favorite team is the san francisco giants you can wear a giants sweatshirt, t-shirt, or hat. If you dont have any of your teams apparel you can either buy some at http://shop.mlb.com/home/index.jsp or at the stadium where they have multiple stands filled with clothes for your team. You can also  just wear your teams colors, for example orange and black.
  2. The second thing I wish I had known was to bring a lot of money. Most of the time the  food, drinks, etc, are very expensive. Another thing you can do is bring your own food or drinks.
  3. The third thing I wish I knew about baseball when I first became a fan was the palyers and how the game worked. It isn’t much fun watching a game that you don’t understand which is why it might be good to either ask a friend or a parent,”who is on the giants now” or ask them questions during the game like why was that and out, etc. You can also check online to look at your favorite teams roster http://mlb.mlb.com/index.jsp, or you can watch sports shows so you can understand the game better.

Those are the three things I wish I had known about going to a baseball game and I hope it helps you.

Three Things I wish I had known before I started making Potstickers

A lot of the times when I would get home from school or anywhere I would usually be hungry for a snack, and that snack would be potstickers. I would come home pull out the pan put some oil on and get the pot stickers out and start cooking them. When I first started to cook them I would burn myself from the oil splattering everywhere and also I would burn them on one side. Things that wished I would have known is that

1. To watch them and turn them somewhat frequently until they are nice and crispy.

2. To use caution when pouring the water in because it will explode into a hot oily madness.

3. To follow the instructions instead of just estimating and trying to wing it.

Those three things will help you make your potstickers very delicious and enjoyable. I hope these three things that I have shared with whoever it may help, helps you.

Here is a link to a recipe for Ling-Ling Potstickers, the same type I use:


Epic Meal Time

Epic Meal Time

Epic Meal Time are the food innovators of Youtube. They also are probably gonna die young do to high cholesterol from eating such bad food. These guys make videos of them cooking, then eating food and getting completely wasted throughout the whole time. During the video one of the main guys that has the beard commentates the whole video and makes funny remarks. They first started out as two guys cooking food and at there house slowly and enjoying it. But as they progressed they added more people and they turned a buff guy with glasses into to Youtube icon. Whenever the cook food it includes a whole lot of bacon and lots of alcohol usually Jack Daniels. Now they have an online store where you can buy clothing and there Bacon Salt. There videos include lots of different types of food such as a ton of red meat, loads of gooey cheese, different types of birds, and of course endless amounts of bacon. These guys cooking techniques and abilities are surprisingly good for a whole bunch of drunk college guys. They use some high grade cooking utensils such as a sausage maker in one episode. Also in another one they put a quail inside a pheasant inside a turkey inside a pig and made three of them and cooked them in giant barbeques which I thought was pretty amazing. I think that these guys are pretty funny but i also think that its a waste of food.

Here is a link to one of there videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9FRSghXhDM

Youtube to MP3 Converter


Since I can remember illegal downloads for music has been everywhere. The first free music websites, such as Napster, changed the music game. The makers of these websites make all of there money with adds. The RIAA, recording industry association of America, has been in a war with these people through out it all. Some down loaders have been prosecuted but with the millions of down loaders illegally downloaded music usually goes unpunished and will never be stopped. According to the RIAA 4 out of 5 digitally downloaded songs are done illegally. Other sources say that in 2008 as much as 95% of downloaded music was done illegally. However there have been new ways to obtain or listen to music for free, these ways not illegal. One way that many people use is Pandora, this lets you listen to music you like with some adds. The next way that actually lets you obtain the music as a file and download it to your iTunes or your MP3,  is video2mp3.net, also known as youtube to mp3 converter. This website gets around legal issues by converting files off of youtube. Youtube is a free website and anything on it is free as well. I have no doubt that they have been sued by the RIAA and others but the website is still up and running. Many people have assured me that this website is not illegal but there is still a chance that is may be. I also would like to know out of curiosity how many times they have been sued.  Here is a link to the website, Click at your own risk. This website may be illegal and may give your computer viruses. Enjoy.   http://www.video2mp3.net/


Wes Craven

Wes Craven is an American film director, writer, producer, actor, and perhaps best known as a director of many horror films. Craven is arguably the best horror film maker ever. He has made various movies such as Nightmare on Elm street, the new and old Scream series, and The hills have eyes series, and also the last house on the left.  Craven made two of the most copied horror movies with ease, The hills have eyes and the last house on the left. What makes Craven innovative is that he made all of these movies without even breaking a sweat, and he not only made the originals of all of the most popular horror films today, but also the remakes which were made in the last 6 years. These movies are The hills have eyes series, the nightmare on elm street, The last house on the left, and the Scream series. These films are some of the top scary movies in the country. In addition to Craven’s horror films, he also has made many other films such as music of the heart, with popular actress Meryl Streep. Wes Craven is a fantastic director, writer, and producer, in addition to hi great horror films.  I am glad This man is alive to make all of these great films, and I know he isn’t done makng movies and will come out with many more horror films to keep people at the edge of their seat, scared out of their mind.

Link to Wes Craven’s Bio
